Clarke Signs

We stock a vast range of A-Frame Signs

Standard A-Board

Premium quality powder-coated steel frames
with metal faces or corflute inserts.

Available in 3 stock sizes:
600mm x 900mm
900mm x 1200mm
600mm x 600mm

Swinger A-Frame

A lightweight alternative to the traditional A-Frame. Powder-coated steel frame clicks open into position then folds flat for storage.

Available in 2 standard sizes:
To suit 450mm x 600mm corflutes
or 600mm x 900mm corflutes

Elite Enduros

Lightweight, stable and durable polycarb A-Frame.

Street Barrier / Cafe Barrier – banner with rope edges

Powder-coated 48mm diameter tubular steel frames 
4 standard lengths: 1000mm, 1500mm, 2000mm & 2500mm – all 800mm high
Supplied with sail-tracks for all four rope-edges of the banner.
Custom frame sizes and colours fabricated on request.

Street Barrier / Cafe Barrier – banner laced to frame

* Powder-coated 48mm tubular steel frames
* Four standard lengths: 1000mm, 1500mm, 2000mm and 2500mm – all 800mm high
* Custom frame sizes and colours fabricated on request